Wireless PH Study in Chicago, IL

What is a Wireless PH Study?

The purpose of a wireless pH study is to measure how often stomach contents reflux into the lower esophagus and how much acid the reflux actually contains. Many patients who receive this test are doing so to confirm or rule out a diagnosis of GERD. Dr. Jonathan Erlich is a highly trained gastroenterologist with extensive experience performing wireless PH studies. Call (773) 631-2728 to request an appointment at our gastroenterology clinic in Chicago.

What Happens During a Wireless PH Study?

The entire procedure is all quite simple, and even allows patients to return home while the test is still being conducted.

In the traditional version of this study, you would need to have a probe inserted through your nose that would then be gently guided down to the lower end of your esophagus. This probe would need to remain in place for a full 24 hours, which tends to cause patients a significant amount of discomfort.

To avoid such an issue, our gastroenterologists utilize a small, wireless device instead. This device is contained inside of a capsule and is carefully placed at the lower end of the esophagus by your gastroenterologist. Over a short period of about 48 hours the capsule will dissolve and the device will be naturally expelled from your body.

Once a method is selected and the probe is in place, the device will begin transmitting information to a monitor that will be able to tell you when reflux symptoms begin. The monitor is conveniently situated on a belt that can be worn around the waist so as not to restrict the patient’s mobility.

Patients are advised to carry on with their normal daily routine while the probe is in place. Maintaining regular activities and eating times is essential for the study, because this will allow for more accurate results that can better explain the cause of the person’s reflux symptoms.

How Should I Prepare for My Wireless PH Study?

There are several specific instructions that all patients should follow prior to starting a wireless pH study, including:

  • Do not eat or drink for a period of 6 hours before your pH test
  • Tell your gastroenterologist of any known conditions or allergies that you have
  • Review all current medications you are taking with your doctor

Many different medications can affect the results from a wireless pH study, particularly those that you may be taking to manage acid reflux symptoms. Be sure to discuss all of these medications with your doctor, and to precisely follow their instructions for the entirety of the pH study.

Contact our Chicago Office Today

For any additional questions about your upcoming wireless pH study, or to discuss conducting one of these studies with a gastroenterologist, please contact GI Solutions of Illinois today at (773) 631-2728 to schedule an appointment!

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